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Amazon Online Pharmacy and it’s Threat to your Pharmacy Business

Key Statistics for Pharmacy Market in United States Prior to Launch of Amazon Pharmacy Service.


Average spends of Americans – $1,397 yearly on prescription drugs as per Kaiser Family Foundation and the Peterson Center on Healthcare.


Prior to launch of Amazon’s Online pharmacy, only 4.17% Americans bought medicines online*


82.5% Americans are aware that medicines can be bought online*


Prior to launch of Amazon’s Online pharmacy, 9.2%Americans having a  favorable opinion about online pharmacies*

The Threat Posed by Amazon Pharmacy Service

Why Every Pharmacy in United States should be concerned and take action before Amazon takes away the market share.


With Amazon’s entry into online pharmacies, it is estimated that 20% of the medicines would be purchased online by Americans by end of 2021.


Amazon has 112 million Prime users in United States, who would be eligible for 2 days delivery of drugs.


Amazon Pharmacy Service is available in 45 states across Continental US.


*Journal of Medical Internet Research

Why Online pharmacies are on Rise? And why we must have Online Presence?


Customers Want Home Delivery of Medicines.

Tap on to the demand generated by young ecommerce aware customer who wants to order online using mobile or web and get medicines home delivered.


Retain your customers via Value added features.

Mobile Apps offer rich features such as Pill Reminders, Health Record Storage, etc. which hooks your customer on using the app on daily basis.


Beat the Competition by offering Online Experience.

On an average, there are 30 pharmacies per Zip Code. By going online, you are offering
more than traditional pharmacy experience to the customers.


Get more out of your existing pharmacies.

Attract more customers in and around your locality via online than traditional walk-ins, thereby increasing your business.


Easy to Scale Online than setting up New Outlets.

Setting up new outlets is an expensive and time consuming process. However, a single online platform can cater to entire geography.

How Zibew can help you win against Amazon?

Leading Online Pharmacy Platform

ZibMEDS is rated as one of the best online pharmacy platforms in the world. Zibew is the only software provider to be featured in the Reports & Market survey, along with the likes of Walgreens, CVS, Optum, etc.

Supports 100,000 SKUs, 1M+ Users

ZibMEDS supports 100,000+ SKUs and scales easily to 1M+ Users. We support both Amazon and Azure Cloud platforms.

Go-Live in less than 4 Weeks time

Your Pharmacy can go production live with ZibMEDS platform in less than 4 weeks. This
includes live Mobile apps, Website, backend administration, etc.

HIPAA, GDPR and PCI DSS Compliance

ZibMEDS platform is in-compliant with HIPAA, GDPR and PCI DSS Compliance. We support more than 50+ payment gateway integrations.


Sell Medicines

Ability to sell medicines and medical products either directly from the warehouse or from the nearest pharmacy.


Full Scale E-Commerce Functionality

The platform consists of full scale e-commerce platform for selling of medicines.


Promote Products

Ability to promote various new products with discounts, cashbacks, etc.


Prescription Management

Ability to obtain prescription and health records directly from the customers.


Chat With Pharmacist

Ability to chat with the customer and obtain the feedback directly.


Integration with POS/ERP Systems

ZibMEDS platform easily integrates with the POS & ERP systems via REST APIs.


On-Premise & Cloud Versions

ZibMEDS Online Pharmacy Platform supports both On-Premise and Cloud Deployments.


Rich User Experience

Consumer Apps are built to provide the rich User Experience across Android & iOS Platforms.


Highly Scalable

ZibMEDS Online Pharmacy Platform is built with scalability in mind and proven to scale up to 100,000+ Users.

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