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DPCP Admin Portal

DPCP Admin Portal

Zibew distributor pharmacy connect platform is an online portal created for distributor pharmacy order management. This is a very powerful tool which enhances the order process with 200% efficient and is equipped with very useful features. Distributor connect app is used as a central system for distributors to manage the overall business at fingertips. Order processing and order delivery status for multiple orders from different pharmacies is managed with ease using distributor connect app. Pharmacies place an order via their customer-centric app and distributors receive order details to the administration portal.

Salient features

Product Catalog

Distributors would be able to manage the product catalogue, including the creation and deletion of products with ease, thanks to the all new stunning and user-friendly portal interface. Distributors can change the products available in their virtual platform which can be changed any no of times. Products can be listed in the form of categories.
Products can be listed as per their type and their daily status can be tracked. Products with their id’s are listed, where the administrator can edit categories and give permissions to publish products on their virtual platform.

Pharmacy Management

Distributor connects administrator portal is equipped with the finest pharmacy management tools in the market. Pharmacy management helps the distributor gain total control over the list of pharmacies associated with their business. The amount of business each pharmacy has which can be daily, weekly, quarterly, half-yearly and annually can be tracked and a report can be generated. All the essential information like pharmacy name, pharmacist name, no of orders in the queue, no of orders places, no of orders successfully processed and many more.

Running list

Distributors would be able to track the medicines added in the running list of each pharmacy. Distributors will be able to create orders, manage orders and fulfilment of each order. All the orders are listed down based upon their creation time and are listed in a proper sequence. This helps the administration team to process listings quickly and understand the frequency of orders being made. This is very useful to understand the overall business and supports in formulating business strategies.

Reports and analytics

Distributors can track analytics across all pharmacies they have onboard. Analytics provides reports on overall sales achieved by the distributor over a specific period of time. A sales report is converted into a graphical representation which is much more convenient to understand the market trend. Sales by product report is generated which is used to understand the demand for specific products with specific pharmacies and their geographical areas. Reports can be generated for completed orders, orders in progress and incomplete/cancelled orders. Individual sales per pharmacy can be really useful to understand and plan a long term relationship with a pharmacy which can lead to providing discounts, coupons,and offers.

Distributor Routing

Distributors would be able to identify the route map for their delivery guys to visit the pharmacies to supply medicine stock.

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