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In the rapidly changing world of pharmaceuticals,where patients’ needs are diverse and demands are ever-increasing, compliances need to be met, and patient safety and convenience is the priority. Here at Zibew, we’ve embraced these challenges by crafting innovative, tailor-made and integrative solutions for our partners. In one of our recent success stories, we have successfully streamlined the operations of a leading Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturer, increasing their market reach while minimizing their operation costs. Let’s dive deeper into this transformation journey.

Company overview

Our client, based in Peru, is a leader in personalized medication manufacturing, boasting a track record of 15 years in service. As a versed player in the pharmaceutical industry, the company prepares Master formulas, educates patients and doctors, sells prescription and non-prescription drugs, and consults a team of over 800 doctors and health providers who provide drug suggestions based on diagnosis. With a vast range of 250+ products and formulas, and six health centers. The company needed a streamlined system that could integrate all these functionalities cohesively and efficiently. Recognizing the potential in digital transformation, they sought a partnership with us to elevate their processes and expand their market reach.


The traditional sales process was labor-intensive and time-consuming. The lack of an efficient digital solution meant that the company relied on their call center to handle customer inquiries about the product appropriateness. This convoluted process often triggered customer support bottlenecks, leading to increased operating costs and reducing overall efficiency. Among the identified challenges were

Prescription Validation

Compliance with drug regulations and ensuring patient safety demanded a robust prescription validation process, whether in printed or electronic format.

Patient Education

 Customers needed detailed product information, such as product formulation, recommended dosages, indications, contraindications, and alerts, to make informed choices.

Personalized Medication

A fundamental aspect of our client’s business was crafting personalized medication formulations based on patient requirements.

Location-Based Ordering

Facilitating location-based redirection of orders to the nearest outlets for convenient collection.

Recurring Medication Subscriptions

Patients with chronic diseases required a system for subscribing to recurring medications.

Bitrix24 CRM Integration

Streamlining order management through seamless integration with Bitrix24 CRM.

Local Payment Methods

Incorporating unique Peruvian payment methods for online transactions.

What We Offered

We provide a white-label solution for pharma companies and pharmacy chains to sell their products online. Our platform offers Consumer app and consumer portal for users, Merchant app for pharmacies, and Backend Administration Portal for the management team. Consumers can search for medicines from our consumer app and order them, which will be processed by the pharmacy using our merchant app. Administration portal empowers the management team to manage aspects like product catalog, pharmacy, users, chat, orders and many more which helps the administration team to make strategic decisions for their business development.

Consumer Application

The consumer places an order either by searching for nearby pharmacies(Conto pharmacies) or uploading a prescription and the order is routed to nearby Conto pharmacy in the customer mobile application Pharmacist process the order and updates the status in merchant application. Conto administration team takes care of all the discounts, coupons, schemes, promotional offers, product catalogue, pharmacy management and consumer management through administration portal.

Zibew's Solution

Drawing on our expertise, we developed an encompassing e-commerce solution that boosted our partner’s sales, reduced offline efforts, and maximized outreach.

Sales Process Transformation

  1. Ecommerce Platform: We created an overarching online platform inclusive of a user-friendly e-commerce website, a dedicated mobile app for customers, an order processing interface for businesses, and a comprehensive admin portal.
  2. Easy Prescription Filling: The platform can adeptly identify which medications require prescriptions, allowing patients to upload prescriptions for swift, seamless purchases.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: We incorporated multi-language support, integrated educational health articles, provided comprehensive product details and maintained a customer support chat for immediate assistance.
  4. Advanced Location Services: We introduced location services, redirecting orders based on their proximity to pharmacy outlets and offering order tracking.
  5. Business Management Tools: We implemented a robust CRM system through complete integration with Bitrix24. We included dashboards providing insights, a multilingual product catalog, customer management tools, and mechanisms for tracking stocks and shipments.
  6. Marketing & Sales Assistance: Zibew also incorporated a marketing plugin, discount and offer management, affiliate marketing systems, and reward point systems to enhance customers’ shopping experience and boost sales.
  7. Convenient Order Processing: Dedicated mobile app for pharmacists and stockist for easy and convenient prescription filling and order processing.
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Patient Education and Awareness

Detailed Drug Information

We enriched the platform with comprehensive product details, including conditions of use, formulation, dosages, indications, contraindications, and alerts.

Health Articles

An interactive blogging page allowed our client to educate and engage with their patients
and customers.


  1. Multilingual Support: Supporting both English and Spanish for a wider audience.
  2. Pill Reminders: Patients could set reminders for medication schedules.
  3. Health Records: A one-stop solution for storing health records.
  4. Discounts and Offers: Easy access to discounts and special offers.
  5. Live Chat Support: Enhanced customer support through real-time chat for order details.


Bitrix24 CRM Integration

Seamlessly connecting ecommerce sales with the client’s CRM system.

Marketing Plugins

Effective marketing tools were integrated.

Third-Party Shipping

Streamlined shipping through third-party integrations.

Payment Methods

We integrated with multiple Peruvian local online payment methods for seamless checkouts.


The results were transformative

Expanded Reach

The platform reached a broader audience, locally and nationally.

30% Reduced Manpower

The call center sales process became more efficient, reducing the need for human resources.

12% Higher Sales

Sales increased significantly, contributing to higher revenue.

Accurate Product Recommendations

The platform simplified the process of recommending the correct products to customers, enhancing trust and satisfaction.

Customer Quotes

ZibMeds made it so much easier for our customers to find the right products. The detailed information and prescription validation feature were game-changers.

Our Sales have increased significantly since implementing ZibMeds. The platform helped us reach a wider audience and grow our customer base.

ZibMeds streamlined our ordering process, making  it more efficient and convenient for both our customers and our team. It’s been a great addition to our operations.

The integration of Peruvian payment methods and Bitrix24 CRM made managing our sales and customer data a breeze. ZibMeds truly transformed our business.



Zibew’s partnership with the Peruvian pharmaceutical manufacturer and the introduction of ZibMeds revolutionized the sales process and transformed the way customers interacted with the brand. By providing an ecommerce platform that streamlined prescription validation, empowered patients with detailed product information, and facilitated location-based ordering, Zibew successfully increased brand and product reach, boosted sales by 12%, reduced the need for tele calling salesmen by 30%, and made it easier to sell the correct products to customers. The integration of Peruvian payment methods and Bitrix24 CRM further enhanced the company’s operations, making ZibMeds a comprehensive and effective digital solution for healthcare sales in Peru.

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